Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Christina Aguilera

is a Whore.

No question about it. I just watched the first thirty seconds of the "Dirty" video. It made me so fucking angry I had to leave the room. I made it until the words, "Sweat'n til my clothes come off" came out of her mouth which is a really really long time. Is this really what women have to do for attention in the entertainment industry? Because that is seriously disgusting. I'm seriously on the verge of tears thinking about how sad it is.

So my boyfriend's roommate was who I was watching it with. He seemed completely taken by her humping the air and being nearly gang banged by forty people. So I get up and go into my boyfriend's room. I opened the door and he heard the "song" and smiled real big saying, "Is that the 'Dirty' video?" and went in with Kurt to watch it. Really, I'm not angry or disgusted, just confused as to why this woman and the dozens before her appeal to people in this country. Is it really that great to be gang banged by a room full of strangers? Is that really what the opposite sex wants?

And how are young girls affected by her? Is that really the way we want girls to think is ok to be when they're older? I'm all for having a healthy sex drive, and I'm all for sexuality, but when it comes to nearly fucking hundreds of people (and call it "dancing." Last I checked, that was dry humping, a.k.a. foreplay.) and stripping on national television to "music" that they supposedly write, while somehow creating a fanbase of preteen girls when I have a fucking problem. Little girls do not need to be idolizing women who are so empty and without substance that they have to take all of their clothes off to get someone to notice them. They don't need and should never listen to that shit and get the implication that it's music. Ever. E V E R.

So to the SIXTEEN MILLION FUCKING PEOPLE in this country that bought her "album," YOU'RE ALL IDIOTIC, SHALLOW, USELESS HUMAN BEINGS, UNLESS OF COURSE, YOU WERE BUYING IT FOR THE ALBUM PHOTOS TO JACK OFF TO (WHICH IS THE ONLY THING THE ALBUM WOULD BE GOOD FOR) OR A YOUNG NAIIVE PRETEEN GIRL WHO DOESN'T KNOW ANY BETTER. I feel sorry for you, I really do. Do the world and the little girls in this world a favor and boycott the empty, pathetic, fake, lying, shallow, strippers who act to the very limit of legality for national television music video broadcasting. Please. I got a good idea for you, to stop your addiction for empty idols, go online and do a search for "hot group sex" and you'll actually get real sex. Real people having real sex for your entertainment without shitty music to have to buy into. And people will actually cum all over the woman's tits. You will actually get satisfaction. No teasing, no talking, and no cuddling afterwards, just like you like your women; for forty five minutes (tops of course), without a nasaly voice (let alone a voice at all), without any real connection, without a brain.